Friday, February 24, 2012

Urbas Science Week of Feb. 24 - March 1

Students this week have finished a short examination of the Natural Resources that are important to us. Ask about that leaky faucet or how much gas costs or where we get our electricity, they may have some interesting answers.

Next week starts the unit on "Color and Light" in which students will examine all aspects of light, both pigments and visible light.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Urbas - Science Week of Feb. 17 - 23

Pictured on the left are a group of students that just completed an activity called "Precious Pretzels Fuel Conservation" and Officer DeFores of the CPD. It seems a couple of students may have received speeding tickets during the activity. Just kidding! Actually they were working out steps per pretzel between Home and Nearville like MPG.

Now if we could get them to speed it up a little!

There is also an Extra Credit opportunity available next weekend and information can be
found on my Homepage.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Urbas - Science Week of Feb. 10 - 16

The results are in!

Score: Students 1, Earthquakes 29.

Yes, only one tower construction was able to withstand a magnitude 9 earthquake this week. The students did a great job on their constructions, but its back to the drawing board. Oh the humanity!

Students have begun their study of fossil fuels and will be looking at available resources and supplies.
This next week they will be working with coal, oil, and natural gas by identifying resource locations, mapping those resources, and mining for results

Friday, February 3, 2012

Urbas - Science Week of Feb. 3 - 9

This upcoming week in Science student towers will be tested to see how well they can withstand Mr. Urbas's awesome Earthquake Machine. Students have worked this week to build a tower capable of escaping a magnitude 9 earthquake. Wait until you see the results next week.