Friday, May 30, 2008

Urbas - Science Week of May 30 - June 6

Students are in the final week of school and in Science are finishing their study of topography. Students will be running compass courses in the next few days and finishing their mapping work.
The 6th grade went on a field trip Thursday, May 29 to the Chicago Architectural Boat Tour of Chicago. This was a beautiful day and the students enjoyed the information almost as much as the tour. Below are pictures of the trip.

Students on the front of the Skyline Princess boat.

Students on the back of the Skyline Princess boat.

The other boat with half of the students was the Skyline Queen.

The boats are going through the locks at the lakefront.

Lunch by Buckingham Fountain.

Nice view of the fountain in the background.

This trip always seems to get better! Thanks to everyone who helped.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Urbas - Science Week of May 26 - 30

Students started this week on the study of Topographics and Mapping. They are using directional compasses and starting to find their way. The next weeks will include lessons on taking and making a map bearing in addition to several sessions of mapping using the Lakeview Campus. Students will also be doing some orienteering using their compasses which will show their skills. Pictures to follow.

Also, this weekend is free admissiion to the Museum of Science and Industry for kids. So, for that reason. I am offering extra credit of ten points to any student who goes and brings back a proof of admission to me. I recommend a family outing.

A nice waterfront shot.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Urbas - Science Week of May 19 - 23.

Students have finished their study of the universe and this week will be taking a practical quiz and a test on the universe on Friday, 5 23.

Last week the highlight was the use of the Starlab in the classroom. Starlab is a portable planetarium dome which inflates and students go inside and view programs on stars, nebula's, constellations, plate tectonics and mythology. Below are pictures of the dome in the classroom.

A look at the entrance.
The kids crawled through to get inside by the Starlab name.

Friday, May 9, 2008

Urbas - Science Week of May 12- 16

Students are continuing their study of the universe with the use of Starlab this week. Star shows will be a daily feature.

The pictures below are a way to hold the sun, enjoy.

This thing is not so hot!

Nice sturdy crane!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Urbas - Science Week of May 5 - 9

The 6th grade classes are continuing their study of the universe and stars. This week they will be constructing Star Finders to use in locating constellations and will be investigating Parallax, the distance to stars and evaluating stars based on their temperature, brightness and color.

The pictures below were taken during a Hydrogen Fuell Cell car competition sponsored by Argonne National Labs. The teams consisted of 7th and 8th grade students and they participated in an academic as well as a car competition. The teams placed 5th in the academics and 2nd place in the car competition. The Lakeview teams had 2 cars in the final heats of 5, a great accomplishment.

The members of the teams who were at the finals.

Checking alignment and traction.

Let the races begin!

Our car took first place in this race!

I think they enjoyed this part!

Smiling team members with their hardware!

For more pictures, go to the site below.