The 6th grade classes are continuing their study of the universe and stars. This week they will be constructing Star Finders to use in locating constellations and will be investigating Parallax, the distance to stars and evaluating stars based on their temperature, brightness and color.
The pictures below were taken during a Hydrogen Fuell Cell car competition sponsored by Argonne National Labs. The teams consisted of 7th and 8th grade students and they participated in an academic as well as a car competition. The teams placed 5th in the academics and 2nd place in the car competition. The Lakeview teams had 2 cars in the final heats of 5, a great accomplishment.

The members of the teams who were at the finals.

Checking alignment and traction.

Let the races begin!

Our car took first place in this race!

I think they enjoyed this part!

Smiling team members with their hardware!
For more pictures, go to the site below.